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“Iván Cester is a versatile composer. Former guitarist, in the late 90’s he composed, arranged and played in several jazz and pop bands. He combined his studies in Music with a Physics Msc. and participated in several research projects in Neuroscience concerning perception of sound and music. He also worked in Brain Computer Interface applied to music creation and sonification of emotions trough real time music generation. This work granted him several prices and mentions at festivals like SONAR +D 2015 (Closed Loop), and the participation in the “Brain Polyphony project” (CCCB, Fabra & Coats). It is also during this period in the late 2000 and early 2010 that he developed a strong conscience of musical language as a dramatic resource, which took him to study orchestration and film scoring with Leon Willett. After working in the music department in several projects he started his career as a film composer with Timecode (Palme d’ Or 2016). Since then he has worked with several filmmakers like Juanjo Gimenez, Lluis Quilez, Kiko and Javier Prada or Mathiew Castellanos, among others.”

“Needless to say, the music, composed by Ivan Cester, perfectly augments each and every scene to fill the air with unspoken words with each note that is struck.” Pamela Powell (Reel Honest Reviews)
“Nos ha encantado la música de Iván Cester.” Philipp Engel (Fotogramas)